Sunday, March 02, 2008


Ok, we made it. We're here safe and sound. Our flights were incredibly long, but not bad. Customs took us 2 hours to get through once we arrived, but now that we're here it's just wonderful. We were picked up at the airport by Michelle. She took us to our hotel where we freshened up and we were whisked away to dinner. Here's a peek out our hotel window.We ate at a restaurant at the Nelson Mandela Plaza. It was terrific. We had Ostrich and Crocodile for dinner. I also had a beef jerky salad (SOOOO good). All of the food was wonderful. Here's a shot of Michelle and her family. What a wonderfully sweet, beautiful family they are.Here's a shot of Michelle being painted before dinner. This was so much fun. They also came by with a vessel and bowl to clean our hands at the dinner table.
Here's a shot of Leah and I with our face painted. This was a lot of fun.

This is a shot of the restaurant where we ate. There were no outside walls. Just to the right of us out the center of the plaza. There was a water fountain (the kind with the water that spurts up) for the kids to play in - and lots of shops. What a neat place. The hotel we'll be staying at Friday is right near the plaza. I'm hoping to have more shots then to share.

This is going to be a short post. We've got to get downstairs to leave for safari. We'll be at safari for a couple of days. I'm hoping to get great shots. We're having a great time and are doing well. Thank you for your prayers!




Anonymous said...

Have fun on Safari. I like the face paintings. What is the custom behind the face paintings? I can't wait to hear about your experiences. Enjoy every moment. Crystal

Jenn Alvarez said...

Very cool pics Aub! So glad you guys made it there okay. Be careful on safari...don't let the lions take your jerky! :-)
Love ya'!

Melissa said...

What an amazing experience! I look forward to your future posts!

Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh you girls look like you are having a blast, looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

By chance, did you use the restroom while you were at the restaurant? The carvings on the bathroom doors are quite intricate!