Monday, October 29, 2007


We survived the wild fires! Boy it sure is scary when you see that wall of flames coming over the mountains...this is a picture my friend Kathy sent me. It pretty much speaks for itself. Luckily we, nor anyone we knew, suffered any damage to our homes due to the fire.

Ok, on a happier note...there's an author I love. Her name is SARK. I was on a date with my hubby, (at the bookstore of course), and happened to be flipping through one of her books (that I don't have) and read this little tidbit:

"Be on the lookout for someone that just looks like your friend. The other day I was walking on the beach, and saw a woman with striped socks and a curious hat. I immediately thought that she looked like my friend."

I can relate to that so well. Have any of you ever experienced anything like this? Are you on the lookout for "friends". The Lord blesses us with friends, companions, mentors, etc... I think we should celebrate our friends and the blessings they represent in our lives. If you want a feel-good book any of SARK's are great. They're colorful, full of vibrant colors, and inspirational messages.

I think I'll end on a happy note. Maybe I'll go and get this book today. Maybe I can send it around and share it with my friends when I'm done.



Katy said...

Hey Aubrey! I'm so glad that you made it through the fires unscathed. They are most certainly terrifying.

I also wanted you to know that Sark is an author whom I run to when I just want nice quiet affirmations. She is a lovely artist, and I always feel good when I look at her stuff.

Jenn Alvarez said...

Whoa! Where was that taken? See you in a few days! Can't wait!

Melissa said...

I love your gift of JOY! :)

Susie said...

I LOVE Sark and her free spirited drawings and encouraging words ;)

Lynsey said...

So glad , you, your family and your home is safe.

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing picture. These events seem so remote when we hear them on the news but this makes it seem so real. Love your blog.