I've never been tagged before, but one of the wonderful ladies who participates in the "her space--my space" blog just tagged me. Here's the rules: Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself. People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog. Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment to tell them they have been tagged and to read your blog. Ok, here goes...
1) I grew up on a cotton ranch in AZ. (My first paying job was at 13 - chopping weeds out of the cotton field.)
2) I have 5 dogs, 1 guinea pig, and 26 chickens.
3) I've been friends with my best friend for more than half my life. (Hi Ginnie!)
4) I have so many first cousins that I don't know all their names. (True story)
5) I was once timed as typing 174 words per minute. (Are you sure?!)
6) I love to travel. (If the car is moving I want to be in it.)
7) I look just like my great grandma Suzy. (Never met her, but the photos say it's so.)
I'm tagging Diva KMM, KelliDarr, Johanna Peterson, Leah Fung, Jess (A Mile In My Shoes), Melissa Ross, and Ginnie Baker. This was fun - can't wait to read the little snippets about each of you.
Blessings to you,
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Scrapbook Lifestyle
The designers at Scrapbook Lifestyle made a heritage album for my sister and me. Yesterday was the beginning of our "airing" week. I have 3 friends that are designers are the show: Leah Fung, Johanna Peterson, and Melisa Sanchez. So it made it extra special knowing that my friends would be there. My sister and I had a lot of fun going up and shooting this. We spent the day together driving up to LA. We did a little shopping, I had my hair done - we had lunch together. It was really a fun - wild day. Here's a link if you're interested in watching. As I said, it will run this week. Each day has a new video that's 3 minutes long. They start off showing how the album was created and then Jennifer and I will be on Friday for the "reveal" when they give Jennifer the album. Hope you enjoy. (Thanks my friends for this great experience!) http://www.scrapbooklifestyle.com.
Friday, April 20, 2007
I know yesterday I was a bit preachy...life is what you make it...blah, blah, blah...and I still 100% believe all of that is true. But what I'm thinking is not only should we believe it, but we better make sure we're living it. You guys know that I recently lost my friend Ray. Well today as I was walking into the church office (unlocking the door) an accident happened on the road right beside me. I saw it out of the corner of my eye - the collision was SO loud, it sounded like a gunshot going off. I stood for a moment, just kind of paralyzed and speechless. A white van had smashed into this little white Honda Civic type car. She was sitting at a stop sign and the white van swerved and smashed into her so hard it picked up her little car - lifted it over the sidewalk - and bent it around the telephone pole. I just was stunned. When my brain started functioning I thought, do I run over? Do I call 911? What should I do? Right then these two guys are running down the sidewalk (they were on the correct side of the street), and they ran to check on the people. One guy screams - "HE'S HAVING A HEART ATTACK". They were trying to get the guy out of the van, but his doors were locked. They were pulling on the door trying to yank it open and the guy inside the van is slumped over. The poor woman in the car was trapped between the telephone pole and this guy's van (it had rammed right into the driver's door) - she couldn't even open the door. They were still trying to get the guy out but all his doors were locked, people were pouring out of buildings, there's shouting "FIND A CROWBAR, BREAK THE WINDOW". The scene held me captive. I felt like I couldn't move, like I couldn't hardly breathe. Finally an ambulance came, fire trucks and police came. They got the old guy out. I don't know if he made it or not. They worked on him for a long time. I prayed everyone would be okay. I just think - you never know what's going to happen. I mean even if you aren't the guy in the van having the heart attack you could just as easily be the woman T-boned between the van and the telephone pole. (Here's a picture of the scene - both vehicles are behind the firetruck.) LIVE life every day. Tell family and friends you love them. Try to do good works and things that make you happy. Live a Good Life.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Life Is What You Make It
I woke up this morning with a huge headache. I didn't want to get out of bed, didn't want to move, or even open my eyes. But I thought...this is ridiculous. The sun is shining. There's things to do today. So I got up, got myself going. And I was blessed with a husband who brought me a glass of cold water and some aspirin. I was blessed with nice comments on some things I had posted yesterday. I was blessed with a phone call from my best friend Ginnie. See the day is what you make it. I've decided mine is going to be a sunshiny, friendly, fun day (even if it involves a little aspirin taking). I hope you've made your day a good one. Remember don't let the bad gunkie get at ya and you're good. I remember when I was in Jr. High my mom was watching this preacher on TV and he said "Don't let the devil steal your joy." Sometimes it's not the devil. Sometimes it's a jerk on the freeway - or some old lady who swipes your spot in the parking lot - whatever it is, whoever it is - they only have as much power as you give them. It's just as easy to wish them a good day - turn up the stereo and keep going. As my friend Ginnie says, "Smile and Proceed."
Blessings to you!
Blessings to you!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Wanna Know What I Was Given?
Hi guys!
It's such a beautiful, cloudy, overcast day. I love those - they're my absolute favorites (besides rainy days of course--nothing is better than one of those). It must be a product of growing up in the desert and only having 3 days worth of rain that would happen during monsoons in May. That's all we'd get for the entire year. Rain was definitely celebrated...I've jumped in my share of puddles. Anyhow, I digress. Do you want to know what I was given? Can you guess what my Aunt Cindy nabbed for me? A library card catalog file cabinet. My terrific mom was nice enough to keep it for me until I could come pick it up. I love it. I just thought I'd share a picture of it and send a shout out to my Aunt thanking her for my new treasure.
I love books - and the fact that this little unit held the key to finding so many different places one could travel to on a page - I just think that's cool. I'm excited to have it around - inspiring me. I hope you have a blessed day!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Guess What Tomorrow Is?
Tomorrow is my first day of photography class! Yippee. I'm taking a course at the Community College. It's not a super heavy duty class, but it's designed to help you learn to use your DSLR. If you're a beginner (like me) in the manual photography area it's supposed to get you through that. It's also supposed to help you be able to know the difference between an ordinary shot and an extraordinary shot. I'm really excited about going. I've never taken any manual photography classes (or ANY kind of photography class for that matter). I'm hoping to get a lot from this class. It's going to be for 4 weeks. One class each week, each lasting 3 hours. I'm super excited! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
A Great Man
I got news yesterday that I lost a very good friend of mine. His name was Raymond Schellenberg. He was 43 years old. He suffered a massive heart attack Saturday and was on lifesupport until he passed away Monday night/Tuesday morning around midnight. Ray was a friend to anyone who met him. He was genuinely a nice person. He loved the Lord and it was evident in the way he lived his life. I feel blessed to have known Ray. I know my life was enriched for the time spent with him. He contributed a great deal to making the world a better place. How lucky we were the Lord shared him with us for as long as he did. I know life is precious and the "here today, gone tomorrow" saying is true. Stop and take the time today to tell your friends and family how very much you love them. Leave someone a hidden note telling them what they add to your life. I talked to Ray right before he went to the hospital and I told him that I loved him. I love all you too my friends & I think the Lord each day for you. You help to make up what my world is - a rich, warm, loving, environment. Thank you for that.

May your day be blessed!
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