Thursday, March 09, 2006

It's A Cold One!

Well it's Thursday. It's TOTALLY cold out tonight. Word on the TV is it might snow here. Can you believe it? Addison's totally praying for snow. His gym teacher told him if it even snowed a little they were going to cancel school. (He's on bended knee!) Jeff had me put the camera on the charger tonight - just in case. The dogs all came in early - we have a fire going and are snuggling under blankets - who knows, I may even cave and make some hot chocolate! Today was nice and quiet at work - I was the only one there and we only had a couple of phone calls so it was a nice easy day - I enjoyed it. I did a little scrapbooking today. I did my very first mini-album. I never had much use for them - I always thought they were kind of cute but looked at them more as clutter than anything. Well now that I've done one I love it. It's about our dogs. We have 4 dogs: Shelby, Roscoe, Mugsy, and Hanna. I love, love, love it! I made it for the Design Team at the Poway Scrapbook Store - I hope no one steals it. Small books have a tendency to walk off. I'd like to get this one back. I'm going to make a mini-album for my mother. (Not of our dogs of course) This one will be all about her Grand-babies. I guess I ought to go - get back up to that fire - it's cold here in the office! I'll write more later!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Harns Happenings

Wait, It's March?!
Ok, so much for being diligent about updating this on any sort of regular basis. I am so envyous of those ladies who can do this every day. You know the ones...the one's who wake up, read their bible, do the dishes, run a load of laundry -- all before they wake the kids up and get them off to school. HAGS! Always wanted to be one - never will be. I'm more of a "oh I've got 30 minutes before I have to be there - that means I can sleep for 15 more!" Speaking of which, I guess I ought to get into service. We're supposed to be in there in 3 minutes - I better get out of the office. I will write more (sooner - rather than later!)